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RBL Crowthorne Handicap Snooker League
Rules and Scheduling
Games are played every Thursday from the 20th of February 25. Depending on the number of entries, each player will play either once a week or once every fortnight. Games will be played on tables 1 and 2 with a start time of either 6pm or 8pm. 2 hours will be allocated for each match. On weeks where you’re playing from 8pm, your game may start slightly later if the game before runs over 2 hours.
Each match consists of playing ALL 3 frames. The miss rule is not applied, and games are refereed by the players. Players must split the cost of the table. You can ONLY forfeit when snookers are required, and you MUST forfeit the frame if you require more than 3 snookers.

All games MUST be played. If you are not able to play your game, please let Paul know and try to rearrange with your opponent for another day before the next round of fixtures. If you do play your game on another day, you must come off the table if there are names on the board at the end of any of your frames.

If you cannot play all your matches, your matches for the whole season become void, so it doesn't give an unfair advantage to the other players.

Each player will start with a handicap based on their ability. This will be determined on how you have fared against some of the regular players in the club. You may be asked to play a frame to agree on a suitable handicap. Handicaps will change at regular intervals throughout the season depending on results. More information will be shared once entries have been confirmed.

Win per frame = 1 point. Bonus for winning the match (2-1 or 3-0) = 1 point.

The winner of the league will have their name engraved on the league trophy. The person with the highest break will have their name engraved on the high break trophy.

To enter please message Paul Nicola on 07773540809 with your full name. To confirm your entry please pay a £5 fee to Paul or John Tipper by Friday 14th February 25.
All league fixtures will then be drawn so we will NOT be able to accept any late entries. Entry fees will go towards the end of season presentation and trophy engravings.

This is a member only league. Non-members who wish to join the league, please click the link to register with the National RBL at Once you have joined the Legion, a membership card will be sent in the post which is then registered with the Crowthorne Club.